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About Company

Nothing can be achieved without having a VISION, and to make capable of existing in today’s era, VISION has more importance than anything else. Right VISION will lead you towards right path and will help you to see beyond the boundaries of your imaginations. From the platform of Far Vision Technologies, we always try to fulfill a demand of our valuable client and to provide them whatever we committed with them with a right direction and at right time.


Far Vision Technologies is a sub part of K.J.S.International which is a reliable name in a field of international trading. History of K.J.S.International is a proof of our commitment and valuable services to our customers through out the world.By realizing the importance of an I.T (Information Technologies) in today's era of competition, and focusing on the latest tools for business strengthening including Software and specially E-commerce solutions we took this initiative to form a Far Vision Technologies which is able to meet all those requirement, essentials for business prosperity and secondly to enhance our customer's satisfaction concerns and to maintain their trust on us. Main objective of establishing Far Vision Technologies is to facilitate our clients to become a part of revolutionary world, which not only opened a field of working for us but also proved our customer's trust and satisfaction. was an initiative take by Far Vision Technologies during 2011-2012 and the aim was to provide a platform mainly for shipping services providers to showcase their shipping related services. The main users of are including shipping lines, shipping agent and shipping forwarders along with exporters and importers. 


In the year 2023 Far Vision Technologies established collaboration with BizLinks International UG (Berlin, Germany) and started promotion through social media and other business platform jointly.


For any further detail or required information , please do not hesitate to contact us through email